Research Dead Wood Alive

New life by fallen trees

Dead wood fulfils an important role in a living ecosystem. The process of decay forms the fundaments of the forest food pyramide. This research is nourished by a site in the Netherlands with dead Picea Abis. The norm is to clearcut and replant a site. In this case a hands-on methode by the process of decay, a gradual revival and the possible role of human beings is studied. The research results in site specific knowledge about forest restoration and sculptural elements to boost depleted ecosystems elsewhere.

Date: September 2018 - ongoing
Project type: research and exhibition

Dutch Design Week 2020 – Online Talent Tours. A visit to the forest in Klarenbeek that we try to remediate in collaboration with natural processes.


Dead Wood Alive investigates the value of dead wood. The past years there is a raised awareness about the bad influence of monocultures on biodiversity and the impact of climate change on a landscape that consists out of a limited amount of species. We see forests as a source of life, but still a lot of woods are having a hard time to thrive. 

Fallen branches and trunks are gathered from the forest. The wood is dead, dried but also vividly alive. A lot of the biodiversity we can not see at first sight, but in the holes and cavities all kinds of insects and fungi live. 

Wood and bark

Design process

models from the forest

Traveling exhibition

Dead Wood Alive on tour. A traveling exhibition organised along with a discussion program.

Collection garment